English Questions For SSC Exam Mock Test-7

The English language is very important for the SSC CGL examination. You will find various questions from this section in all the tiers of the examination. Many of you are from rural backgrounds with a very high potential but are scared of the English Language Section and find this section exhaustive and confusing. Most of you either waste a time attempting English section or leave the questions as you are not confirmed of the answer.
Here, in this blog, SSC CGL English Questions we will provide you with a set of Important English Questions asked in previous year examination. With the help of these questions, you will get an idea of the types of questions asked and can be asked in the SSC CGL Examination. Let’s start with to solve some interesting questions but, before that how about taking a free mock test? Know how much topper scored and get your ranking.
  •  Active Passive Voice: 2
  •  Cloze test: 5 questions
  •  Error Detection: 2 questions
  •  Fill in the Blanks: 2 questions
  •  Idioms and Phrases: 2 questions
  •  One-word substitution: 2 questions
  •  Sentence Improvement: 2 questions
  •  Sentence Rearrangement: 2 questions
  •  Spelling Correction: 2 questions
  •  Synonyms & Antonyms: 4 questions

Sentence Improvment practice set

  • आपके पास प्रत्येक प्रश्न का उत्तर देने के लिए 30 सेकंड होंगे।
  • इस टेस्ट को तैयार करने में पूर्ण सावधानी बरती गई है। फिर भी अगर कोई गलती होती है तो कमेंटबॉक्स में हमे इससे अवगत कराएं।

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